
Food Peptidomics

Piotr Minkiewicz, Jerzy Dziuba*, Małgorzata Darewicz, Anna Iwaniak, Marta Dziuba and Dorota Nałęcz

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Chair of Food Biochemistry, Plac Cieszyński 1, PL-10-726 Olsztyn-Kortowo, Poland

Article history:

Received February 2, 2007
Accepted October 1, 2007

Key words:

food, biologically active peptides, peptidomics, functional properties, bioinformatics, proteolysis


The aim of this review is to discuss the definition of food peptidomics and highlight the role of this approach in food and nutrition sciences. Similar to living organisms, food peptidome may be defined as the whole peptide pool present in a food product or raw material. This definition also covers peptides obtained during technological processes and/or storage. The area of interest of food peptidomics covers research concerning the origin of peptidome, its dynamic changes during processing and/or storage, the influence of its presence, the composition and changes in the pool of peptides on the properties of food products or raw materials as well as the methods applied in research into this group of compounds. The area of interests of food peptidomics would include biological activity, functional properties, allergenicity, sensory properties and information on the product or resource authenticity and origin as well as its history and relationships. Research methods applied in food peptidomics, with special emphasis on computational methods, are also summarized.


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