Receiving a Manuscript for Review
The selection of referees is critical to the review process and we expect the referees to treat this request as confidential. Manuscripts submitted for Food Technology and Biotechnology are evaluated through a single anonymized peer-reviewed process. This means that reviewer identity is not made visible to authors, author identity is made visible to reviewer, and all identities are visible to decision-making editor. Please protect the manuscript provided to you for review from any form of exploitation. The reviewers are selected based on the Field editor's recommendation or by searching the databases with selected peer-reviewed articles using the key words the authors have provided. Upon receiving an invitation letter with the manuscript to review, please do the following:
- read the title and abstract of the manuscript to determine whether it falls within your field of expertise
- click on one of the links received in the inivitation e-mail to either accept the review, decline the review or download the manuscript through the Journal's online submission system (Comet).
- log in to the Journal's Comet system with the username and password provided in the invitation e-mail and check your details (especially contact details and field of expertise) and correct or add them if needed.
- double-check the manuscript Title page and the Acknowledgements section to determine whether there is any conflict of interest for you (with the authors, their institution or their funding resources) and whether you can judge the article impartially.
- contact the editor for instructions if you have either a time problem or a conflict of interest, so that your deadline can be extended or review assignment cancelled.
- fill in the reviewer's form and write your comments
- before sending the comments remove your name from the part intended for authors. There is a section 'Confidential to Editor', where you can write additional comments intended only for the editor.
- if you wish to write the comments directly into the downloaded text of the manuscript check the settings on your computer (under Properties) to see whether your name appears next to the comments.
- when uploading your review, check the category (type) of the submission that the authors have proposed and click whether you agree with it or choose another, more suitable category (e.g. if the authors wish to publish their paper as an original scientific paper, but you think that it does not contain enough results for a complete research paper or that the results are too preliminary, choose the category scientific note or preliminary communication).
- for any inquiries or technical problems contact the Editorial Office.
If Editorial Office, after receiving the revised version from authors, feels that reviewer's second opinion is needed, the revised manuscript may be sent to the same reviewer for reevaluation. The procedure through the Comet system for reevaluation is the same as for the first evaluation.
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