Immobilized Bioreagent-based Molecular Devices
Ashutosh Sharma*and Kim R. Rogers1
Cranfield Molecular Measurement Technology Centre. Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, MK43 OAL, United Kingdom
Article history:
Received January 16, 1996
Accepted August 14, 1996
Key words:
molecular biosensor, immobilized bioreagent, food industry, environmental monitoring, clinical analysis, process control
An overview of the current state of the art technology that is applied in the molecular biosensor development is presented. Science and technology behind these devices are introduced followed by some examples. The industrial needs, in particular of the food industry, environmental monitoring, clinical analysis, etc., that are to be addressed by such devices are discussed.
*Corresponding author:
1 Permanent address: U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory Las Vegas, NV, USA