
Mushroom Tissue-based Biosensor for Inhibitor Monitoring

Joseph Wang1, Stephen A. Kane1+, Jie Liu1, Malcolm R. Smyth2, Kim Rogers3

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA

2School of Chemical Sciences, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland
3U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Exposure Research Program 944 East Harmon Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119, USA

Article history:

Received February 16, 1996 

Accepted April 12, 1996

Key words:

tissue electrode, inhibition, tyrosinase, mushroom, biosensor

A mushroom-carbon paste tissue electrode was used for amperometric measurements of inhibitors of tyrosinase. Measurements are carried out in the presence of the catechol substrate. The influence of the tissue loading and location in the plant are explored, and possible response mechanisms are discussed. The resulting inhibitor biosensor is inexpensive, characterized by high sensitivity and speed, offers micromotor detection limits, and requires no incubation period. Flow injection monitoring of diethyldilhiocarbamale, benzoic acid and thiourea is illustrated. Such inhibition tissue electrode holds great promise for field monitoring of pollutants.

*Corresponding author: Permanent address: School of Chemical Sciences, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland