FTB Advisory Board
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FTB Advisory Board Members Info
Karl Bayer obtained his PhD in applied microbiology from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna in 1975 and postdoctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation) in Applied Microbiology in 1983. His professional interests include areas of bioprocessing, optimisation of microbial host vector sysms, enhancement of process monitoring capabilities by application of novel sensor systems and mathematical modelling. In these areas Karl Bayer’s group works in close collaboration with Austrian branches of international biopharmaceutical companies, mainly in the framework of the Austrian Center of Biopharmaceutical Technology (www.acbt.at). Moreover, the group also contributes to an EU funded consortium (www.nisis.de). In teaching, Karl Bayer is strongly involved in various courses in bioprocessing. He has supervised about 60 diploma thesis and 14 PhD students. He is a board member of the Austrian Society of Biotechnology (www.oegbt.org). Furthermore, he has been a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Biotechnology since 2005 and of Microbial Cell Factories since 2003. He has published more than 45 scientific papers, 3 contributions to books and holds 2 patents. In addition, he has presented a great number of invited lectures, presentations and posters. He has also great experience from abroad, mainly in France (Montpellier, Dijon). ↑Back to Top
Carlo V. Bruschi obtained his PhD Degree at the University of Parma, Italy, in Biological Sciences with a Thesis in Microbial Genetics. He then became a Research Associate at the Institute of Medical Genetics, University of Rome, Italy from where he then moved to the Biology and Medicine Division of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, as an NIH Postdoctoral Research Associate, to study molecular genetics of recombination in yeast. Subsequently, he obtained a tenure-track faculty position at the University of North Carolina ECU Medical School, where he became a tenured Associate Professor in 1988. During this period, Dr. Bruschi was one of the three US Principal Investigators involved with NASA Space Biology Program which developed the first International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-1) Mission STS-42 flown on the Space Shuttle Discovery in January 1992. His involvement with NASA Space Biology Program continued until the 1994 IML-2 mission for which he was a Co-Investigator of one of the space biotechnology experi ments. He was a Principal Investigator in the European Union laboratory Network for the Genome Sequencing Programs of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis and Leishmania major, as well as one of the founders of the European Functional Analysis Network (EUROFAN). In 1996 he organized in Trieste the first World Conference on the public release of the yeast genome sequence. Since 1990, Dr. Bruschi was a Senior Scientist and Head of the Microbiology Group at the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) of Trieste, Italy. During his career, both in the United States and Italy, he has generated more than 2,800,000 US$ in research grants and published 65 scientific papers, of which 59 in international journals. Since 1995 he has been on the Editorial Board of Current Genetics and serves as ad hoc Reviewer for several scientific journals, including Biotechniques, Gene, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, Plasmid, PNAS and Yeast. He has been a member of the Genetics Society of America since 1983. Dr. Bruschi directs a research team in eukaryotic molecular genetics dealing with molecular mechanism of genome dynamics, in particular mitotic recombination, targeted DNA integration and chromosome aneuploidy using yeast as model cell system. The experimental approach utilizes targeted DNA integration as inducer of DSB. The long-term goal is the understanding of genomic homeostasis as well as the generation of new tools for genome analysis and manipulation, to ultimately address human gene functions involved in the process of cancer. ↑Back to Top
Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich | INRA |
Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich was trained in Organic Chemistry at the University of Zagreb, Croatia and obtained a PhD degree in Biochemistry at the University Paris VII, France. He was a postdoctoral student and a research associate of Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Nobel Prize winner, between 1973 and 1977, in the Department of Genetics, Stanford University Medical School, California. He founded a Microbial Genetics Research Unit (~70 people) at National institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Jouy en Josas, France, and directed it between 1987 and 2009. He also founded the Microbiology Department at INRA (~170 people) and headed it between 1991 and 2002. He established the quantitative metagenomics platform MetaQuant of INRA in 2008 and currently co-directs it. He is author or co-author of more than 300 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 50 book chapters, holding an H index of 67 and is a frequent speaker at international conferences (Europe, USA, Asia; over 10 per year). His current research interests are in Human Metagenomics. In this context, he organized the Round Table that is viewed as seminal for the current world-wide effort in human microbiome (Paris, October 2005) as well as the first Human Metagenomics conference (Shenzhen, China, March 2010) and chairs the International Human Microbiome Consortium. He previously coordinated four European collaborative programs and participated in 13, currently coordinates the European Commission project IHMS (International Human Microbiome Standards) and is the PI of the MetaGenoPolis project, focusing on quantitative and functional metagenomics, funded by the Investissement d’Avenir. He is a laureate of the Excellence of the Agricultural Research Award and a member of the French Academy of Agriculture, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, American Academy of Microbiology and the European Molecular Biology Organisation. ↑Back to Top
Naim Košarić was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and he studied chemical engineering in Zagreb, Croatia. He enrolled as a PhD student in biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine at University of Western Ontario (UWO) in London, Ontario, Canada, and finished his PhD in only three years. Afterwards he was offered an Assistant Professor appointment at the UWO Faculty of Engineering, where he is still active as a professor emeritus. During his 25 years of teaching at UWO he taught biochemical engineering, industrial processes, water pollution, design of industrial waste treatment facilities and food engineering. Prof. Dr. Košarić is very active in consulting, specifically in the areas of the utilization of natural resources for the production of renewable energy such as hydrogen, biofuels and biogas, and environmental engineering. His research resulted in more than 370 research papers, 212 of which were published in referred scientific journals, 158 proceedings and 10 books written and edited. He has been the chief supervisor of 62 industrial bio-energy and environmental design projects and has been the chief supervisor of 39 masters and PhD graduate theses. Specific research projects included the areas of hydrogen and biofuels, biosufactants and design of water treatment processes. In addition to teaching and research, he also organized and chaired many scientific conferences, symposia and workshops in Canada, USA, Europe, Brazil, Bahrain, and Turkey. Professor Dr. Kosaric has collaborated with leading scientific institutions in Switzerland, Germany, Brazil, Slovenia, Turkey, Bahrain and Austria. He has been involved with scientific conferences on virtually every continent in the world. Professor Dr. Naim Kosaric is currently the President and CEO of Kayplan Engineering Consultants. ↑Back to Top
Sibel Roller obtained her undergraduate degree in Biology from the City University of New York and her Master’s degree in Environmental Health Sciences from the Johns Hopkins University in the USA. She moved to the University of London in the UK to gain her PhD in Food Microbiology. After completing a postdoctoral research fellowship on microbial fuel cells, she joined the Leatherhead Food Research Association in Surrey, UK, where she initiated, developed and led the research group in food biotechnology for 9 years. In 1994, she returned to academia by joining London South Bank University as Professor of Food Biotechnology. In 2002, she moved to Thames Valley University to lead the newly-formed department of Human Sciences. During her academic career to date, she has generated over £ 1 million in research grant income, published over 55 scientific papers, edited 4 books and supervised 8 PhD students to completion. She is an elected Fellow of the UK Institute of Food Science and Technology and a member of the Joint Editorial Board of the Journal of Applied Microbiology and Letters in Applied Microbiology. Her main research interests are in the development of novel microbial control measures for food, environmental and clinical applications. ↑Back to Top
Rudi F. Vogel is a biochemist who received his PhD in 1976 from the Universität Tübingen, Germany. He obtained his habilitation at the Universität Hohenheim, Germany on Food Microbiology, conducting research on metabolism and genetics of lactic acid bacteria in sausage fermentation. Since then he has been interested in food microbiology and biotechnology. Since 1994 he has been a professor and head of Technische Mikrobiologie Weihenstephan at the Technische Universität München, Germany and has conducted research on starter culture development, high pressure in food and biosciences as well as control of unwanted microbes in food. He is a member of the editorial boards of Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Advances in Food Sciences, Food Technology and Biotechnology, and Brewing Science and a member of the DFG Senatskommission für die Beurteilung der gesundheitlichen Unbedenklichkeit von Lebensmitteln (advisory board for food safety). Prof. Vogel has published more than 300 scientific communications including more than 170 original scientific papers. ↑Back to Top
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