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Effect of Different Wheat Sprouting Conditions on the Characteristics of Whole-Wheat Flour

José Luis Navarro1orcid tiny, Pedro Losano Richard1orcid tiny, Malena Moiraghi1,2orcid tiny, Mariela Bustos1orcid tiny, Alberto Edel León1,2orcid tiny and María Eugenia Steffolani1,2*orcid tiny

1Institute of Food Science and Technology of Córdoba (ICYTAC), CONICET-UNC Valparaiso y Rogelio Martínez, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina

2Department of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, National University of Córdoba (UNC), Valparaiso y Rogelio Martínez, 5000 Cordoba, Argentina

Article history:

Received: 16 November 2023

Accepted: 7 June 2024

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bioactive compounds; enzymatic activity; pasting properties; sprouted whole-wheat flour; techno-functional ingredient


Research background. Controlled sprouting promotes physiological and biochemical changes in whole grains, enhancing their nutritional status and offering technological advantages for breadmaking as an alternative to traditional whole grains. This study aimed to find sprouting conditions for Klein Valor wheat variety grains (Triticum aestivum L.) that would enhance nutritional value without markedly affecting gluten proteins, which are essential in wholegrain baked goods.

Experimental approach. Unsprouted and sprouted whole-wheat flour were assayed for chemical and nutritional composition, enzymatic activity, and pasting properties of flour suspensions.

Results and conclusions. This bioprocess allowed us to obtain sprouted whole-wheat flour with varying levels of component modification. Sprouting at 25 °C resulted in a notable increase in enzymatic activity and metabolic processes, particularly α-amylases, which significantly affect the starch matrix and the associated pasting properties. Additionally, there was a lesser but still notable effect on the structure of cell walls and the protein matrix due to the activation of endoxylanases and proteases. In contrast, sprouting at 15 and 20 °C for 24 h allowed for better process control, as it promoted nutritional improvements such as a higher content of free amino acid groups, free phenolic compounds, and antioxidant capacity, along with a lower content of phytates. Additionally, it provided techno-functional advantages due to the moderate activation of α-amylase and xylanase. A moderate decrease in peak viscosity of sprouted whole-wheat flour suspensions relative to control flour was observed, while protein degradation was not widely extended.

Novelty and scientific contribution. Sprouted whole-wheat flour obtained under milder sprouting conditions with moderate enzymatic activity may be promising and interesting ingredients for formulating wholegrain baked goods with enhanced nutritional profiles and techno-functional properties. This approach could avoid the use of conventional flour improvers, thereby positively impacting consumer acceptance and facilitating the adoption of clean labels.

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