
Enhanced Production of Glucose Oxidase Using Penicillium notatum and Rice Polish

Shazia Sabir, Haq Nawaz Bhatti*, Muhammad Anjum Zia and Munir Ahmad Sheikh

Industrial Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture, 38040 Faisalabad, Pakistan

Article history:

Received February 4, 2007
Accepted April 26, 2007

Key words:

glucose oxidase, Penicillium notatum, submerged fermentation, rice polish, culture conditions


Glucose oxidase (GOD) is an important enzyme that finds a wide range of applications in food and pharmaceutical industry. In this investigation the feasibility of using rice polish as a substrate for the production of GOD by Penicillium notatum in submerged fermentation (SmF) has been evaluated. The intention was to enhance total GOD activity by the selection of economical substrate, microorganism and consecutive optimization of various cultural conditions. Maximum GOD activity of (112±5) U/mL was achieved under optimum growth conditions: rice polish 5 g, incubation period 72 h, buffering agent 3 % (by mass per volume), incubation temperature (30±1) °C and pH=6.0. Addition of carbon and nitrogen sources further enhanced the enzyme yield, indicating an economically attractive process for GOD production.


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