
Screening of Inexpensive Nitrogen Sources for Production of L(+) Lactic Acid from Starch by Amylolytic Lactobacillus amylophilus GV6 in Single Step Fermentation

Mohammad Altaf, Basa Janakiram Naveena and Gopal Reddy*

Department of Microbiology, Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007, A.P., India

Article history:

Received December 9, 2004
Accepted June 28, 2005

Key words:

antioxidants, betacyanins, betaxanthins, food colourants, pigments, reactors, red beet


L. amylophilus GV6 was studied for production of L(+) lactic acid in single step fermentation using starchy substrates. Seven types of inexpensive organic nitrogen supplements (flour of pigeon pea, red lentil gram, black gram, bengal gram, green gram, soya bean and baker’s yeast) were evaluated for their potential to replace more expensive commercial nitrogen sources, peptone and yeast extract. Red lentil and baker’s yeast cells were found to be the best alternative nutrient sources of peptone and yeast extract for lactic acid production. L(+) lactic acid yield was about 92 % m(lactic acid)/m(starch) utilized in this study.

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