
Vector Design Related to Bio-Processing

Reingard Grabherr and Karl Bayer*

Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Muthgasse 18, A-1190 Vienna, Austria

Article history:

Received October 30, 2001
Accepted November 8, 2001

Key words:

heterologous gene expression, transcriptional regulation, translational regulation


Increased performance of informatics, molecular biological tools and engineering have led to new concepts and scopes in recombinant gene expression technology. To take full advantage of an integrated production process, molecular biology, cell biology and engineering aspects have to be considered in order to gain an efficient and stable process. The contribution of the individual key factors, such as transcriptional and translational activity, codon usage and gene dosage is being assessed and evaluated, with respect to bio-processing. The rapid development of high through-put and complex analytical methods deliver genome and proteome wide data that can be used to construct regulatory networks. This greatly contributes to the understanding of cellular processes and helps to reveal metabolic bottlenecks during production of the individual recombinant protein. The impact of design of the genetic construct is being high-lighted, as it is the initial step in bio-processing, and must contain all relevant features for optimal and mutual exploitation of the host. 

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