
Non-thermal Methods of Food Preservation Based on Electromagnetic Energy

Luigi Palmieri*, Domenico Cacace and Gianfranco Dall’Aglio

Stazione Sperimentale Industria Conserve Alimentari, Viale F. Tanara 31/A, 43100 Parma (Italy)

Article history:

Received June 26, 1998
Accepted February 15, 1999

Key words:

preserved foods, electromagnetic energy, pulsed light and oscillating magnetic field techniques


Consumer's demand for preserved foods, particularly fruit and vegetables, that retain at most both sensory and nutritional properties, leads researchers to test new preserving methods either alternative or combined with traditional thermal processing. These include several techniques based on the use of different forms of electromagnetic energy. In this review, the principles, equipments and food applications of pulsed electric field, pulsed light and oscillating magnetic field techniques are described. Due to non-thermal nature of these processes, energy saving and product quality loss minimisation is achieved. 

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