
Measurement of Yeast Viability/Mortality in the Presence of Chromium(VI)

Peter Raspor1,*, Martin Batič1,2 and Polona Jamnik1

Food Science and Technology Department, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

2Biotechnology Department, Mlinotest d. d., Tovarniška 14, 5270 Ajdovščina, Slovenia

Article history:

Received October 29, 1998
Accepted February 15, 1999

Key words:

yeasts, cell viability, mortality, Cr(VI) toxicity


The aim of this work was to develop a mathematical model – a set of equations for studying the effect of Cr(VI) on yeast viability/mortality. The model was built with parameters and a two-stream approach has been developed which includes four parameters that indicate viability like population condition (PC), cell viability in the buffer (VB), cell viability in the buffer supplemented with the effector (VEB), specific cell viability (VS), and three parameters that indicate mortality as follows: cell mortality in the buffer (MB), cell mortality in the buffer supplemented with the effector (MEB) and specific cell mortality (MS). The parameters were calculated on the basis of primary results the total cell number per mL (NT) and the number of viable cells per mL (NCFU). The total cell number was obtained microscopically with a hemacytometer and yeast viability was determined with the colony count method (spread plate method).

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