The Yeast Flora of Maize Silage
Wouter J. Mitidelhoven
Laboratorium voor Microbiologie, Wageningen Agricultural University, P.O. Box 8033, 6700E1 Wageningen, The Netherlands
Article history:
Received September 10, 1997
Accepted December 4, 1997
Key words:
aerobic spoilage, maize, silage, yeasts
A literature review of yeast species prevailing in various silages is given. The yeast flora of maize silage is dominated by Candida lambica (Issatchenkia orientalis), C. milleri, Saccharomyces exiguus (Candida holmii) and Sacch. dairensis. Particular attention is paid to the role of these species in the aerobic deterioration of maize silage, and to ways of preventing aerobic spoilage of silage.
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