The Genetics and Molecular Biology of Flocculation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: An Overview
C. Sieiro2, N. M. Reboredo1, P. Blanco1, A. Diaz, T. G. Villa1
1Departamento de MicrobiologĂa. Facultad de Farrnacia. Universidad de Santiago de Curnpostela. Santiago de Compostela. Spain.
2Departamento do Biologia Funcional y Ciencias de la Salud. Area de MicrobiologĂa. Facultad de Ciencias. Universiclad de Vigo. Spain
Article history:
Received August 3, 2010
Accepted February 3, 2011
Key words:
flocculation, Saccharumyces cerevisiae, phenotype, genes, control of
Floculalion in Sacch. cerevisiae is a process of reversible cellular aggregation. Their ability to flocculate enables efficient separation of cells from the fermentation medium and facilitates subsequent downstream processing of the product. The most important advances in our knowledge have been achieved about the mechanisms of flocculalion and its genetic bases. Recent advances in both fields are reviewed and some possible hints for the future are given.
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+34 (81) 592490
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