
Oenological Properties of Saccharomyces bayanus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Interspecific Hybrids

Sandra Rainieri1, Paolo Giudici2, Carlo Zambonelli1

Dipartimento di Protezione e Valorizzazione Agroalimentare (DIPROVAL) University of Bologna,Villa Levi 42100 Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Istituto di Industrie Agrarie, via S. Sofia, University of Catania - Italy

Article history:

Received July 28, 1997

Accepted January 15, 1998

Key words:

Saccharomyces, interspecific hybrids, oenological properties, temperature response


Interspecific hybrids between Saccharomyces bayanus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae are sterile. The sterility prevents genetic improvement but the hybrids themselves are interesting from an oenological point of vieiv. They are more vigorous and competitive than the parental strains over a wide temperature range. The minor compounds of fermentation are always produced in medium quantities, while the parents are highly differentiated in this regard: this is true of glycerol, succinic acid, acetic acid and higher alcohols. They display an intermediate action on malic acid which is degraded by Sacch. cerevisiae and synthesised by Sacch. bayanus