Fluorescence Polarisation Immunoassays for Determination of Pesticides and Biologically Active Compounds in Food Safety and Environmental Monitoring
Sergei A. Eremin
Chemistry Faculty, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vorobievy Gory, 119899 Moscow, Russia
Article history:
Received February 11, 1998
Accepted March 26, 1998
Key words:
fluorescence polarisation immunoassay, pesticides, drugs, food safety monitoring, environĀmental monitoring
Fluorescence Polarisation ImmunoAssay (FPIA) methods for rapid detection of pesticides and biologically active compounds are reviewed from 1989 onwards. The FPIA is a homogeneous (without separation) competitive immunoassay method based on the difference in fluorescence polarisation of free and antibody bound fraction of fluorescein labelled antigen. The advantages, limitations and recent innovations in FPIA are given.