
Dietary Fiber in Whole Grain and Enriched Bread

Terezija Golob, Anamarija Plestenjak, Nevenka Čater

Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Food Technology, Jarrmikarjeva 101, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
TIM, 63270 Laško, Slovenia

Article history:

Received July 13, 1994

February 28, 1995


The aim of this research runs to evaluate the whole grain bread and the enriched bread with the stress on the amount of dietary fiber: total, soluble and insoluble. In twelve repetitions there were analysed five sorts of whole grain brend nniong which there were two enriched ones. The samples were analysed for the contení of water, ash, starch, protein and fat by the standard methods. The dietary fiber was defined on the basis of modified AOAC method of Prosky. It was established that tlic analysed samples contain from 7.11-9.40 g/100 g of total dietary fiber and 1.16-3.1 g/100 g of soluble dietary fiber. The enriched sorts of whole grain bread contain the highest amount of dietary fiber. All analysed sorts of bread are appropriate for the nutrition of diabetics as well as for I he everyday protective human nutrition because of their chemical composition, whole grain structure and high amount of dietary fiber.


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Presented at the 2nd Croatian Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, Zagreb, June15-17,1994