
On-line Monitoring of Dissolved Gases Using Microporous Membrane Inlet and Mass Spectrometry

B. S. Ferreira*, F. van Keulen and M. M. R. da Fonseca

Centro de Engenharia Biológica e Química, Instituto Superior Técnico Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

Article history:

Received July 7, 1999
Accepted January 18, 2000

Key words:

fermentation monitoring, mass spectrometry, microporous hydrophobic hollow fibres


Mass spectrometry has been widely used for the monitoring of fermentation processes, since it allows the on-line analysis of gas streams and of dissolved gases or volatile components in fermentation broths. In the present study, an interface modul consisting of a microporous hydrophobic hollow fibre membrane was proposed. This module, installed in an external loop, worked as a gas contactor between a stream of recirculating liquid and a carrier gas which was analysed by the mass spectrometer. The feasability of such system was demonstrated and optimisation procedures in order to achieve satisfactory analysis sensitivity and response times were discussed. 

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